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she\'s my rock
she's my rock  detail>>
she used to be my girl
le mal de mère  detail>>
she\'s out of my league
trop belle !  detail>>
she\'s out of my life
she's out of my life  detail>>
did she mention my name?
did she mention my name?  detail>>
mighty rock of my salvation
refuge roc de mon salut (début du chant "refuge roc")=  detail>>
my dad the rock star
moi willy, fils de rock star  detail>>
you rock my world
you rock my world  detail>>
my guide to becoming a rock star
my guide to becoming a rock star  detail>>
is she
réellement?, vraiment?, sérieusement?  detail>>
 n.  femelle; femme  pron.  elle  adj.  féminin, de sexe fém...  detail>>
she will
she will  detail>>
 v.  elle est, elle existe, elle a un certain rang, elle occupe un certain poste &nbs...  detail>>
she\'s not there
she's not there  detail>>
there she is!!
there she is!!  detail>>
she said she said
she said she said  detail>>
 n.  roche, rocher; rock (danse); bercement, balancement, secousse, vibration; diamant, pi...  detail>>
rock on
rock on  detail>>